Medway House of Prayer


Jim Crompton acknowledges God’s Healing Power and Compassion 

I want to begin this testimony with a bit from Psalm 23,

“even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

This is not primarily about me, but about the truth and reality of that reading, about the love and faithfulness of God’s people, about the healing power of God, and about the power of prayer.

About 2 months ago, Ali started noticing that there was something wrong with me. So (eventually) she bullied me into going to the doctor’s, which I did -twice- and got no joy. But by then I was staggering, babbling and gazing into space.

Now Ali has a crocodile-like ability to lock her teeth on, so I went again, and saw a good doctor, who boosted me up to A&E. and oh, the joy of a 14 hour wait, no hot drinks, no food and no information! Eventually I was diagnosed with 2 subcutaneous Haematomas, and boosted up to King’s London, and was successfully operated on at 3.45 the following morning.

Apart from Medway A&E, I have only the highest praise for all staff, clinical and support.

Now here is a strange thing, years ago I was friendly with the pastor of a nearby church in Chatham who came from Wigan, about ten miles from where I was brought up. (Can anything good come from Wigan??) and he ended up in the opposite bed to me at King’s. So when we had both stopped being doolally, we whiled away the time by putting the church and the world to rights, supporting each other and praying.

And yet another miracle, having only had the operation on Thursday morning, I gobsmacked (Godsmacked?) the staff by my rate of recovery, and was pronounced fit to go home on Saturday. I have slowly been getting better, but it will be about six months to a year before I can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Just as a little human aside, one of my grandsons was heard to remark, ‘ooh, bet he has to have holes drilled in his head! Whilst one of my granddaughters insisted telling everyone on the aeroplane down to see me, ‘I’m going to London to see grandad in hospital!’ Out of the mouths of babes.

I have much to be thankful for;

The peace of God which even when I was blue-lighted up to London was very noticeable- I really did fear nothing. Ali was also kept in perfect peace.

The prayers, love and wishes of God’s people from all over the country. I’m sure that’s what led to such quick healing.

The support of my own church which organised a prayer meeting for me.

I said, this is not basically about me; I am the object, God and his people are the subject.

The Word tells us that we conquer by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. And if you know the Lord, you have a testimony, so may I encourage you to use it, use it!

And, Jesus says, “Whatever you ask in my name, (I e by his power and authority and in his will) you will receive it.” This powerful, earnest prayer has worked before when I was pastor at Emmanuel, a baby who was to be stillborn is now a happy little three-year-old running around.

Thanks for listening, Jim Crompton